every other other other ones
You know this thing where you up jog every other card to eliminate half the cards, then keeping doing that each time to narrow down to a single card?
I’ve been playing around with how to up jog those cards to make them feel like it’s not every other one. I know that’s sometimes the presentation- like a formula. But I feel that if it can be eliminated, it should be. By breaking up the pattern and off setting the pacing and switching hands to up-jog, it can feel like it’s more random. I kinda don’t know how else to explain it in text, so here’s what it looks like:
That’s where I am. I don’t have a routine or anything yet- it’s just something I’ve been playing around with and think it’s interesting. Here it is again slower:
I think I missed on in the slower video, but you get the point. Basically it’s how the cards are counted, but still up-jogging every other one. You count them differently each time, and up jog on different counts, and alternate the jog between each hand. The combination of these things mask jogging every other card. Not hard to get down at all. I do it straight forward in the videos- but I bet if you throw in some pauses here and there, speed up and slow down in a couple places, and even change your mind by up-jogging a card (that’s not suppose to be jogged) then switching it for the right one- all these small bits can make this more fooling.